179. Losing Bets

One thing that people don’t really talk about in this game is losing bets. If you are a professional in this game you better get used to losing a lot of bets. All we ever see talked about is winning bets and winning selections. It depends on what sports you bet on. It depends on how you bet. Whether you trade and close out of positions. The reality for most people though is that there will be an awful lot of losing bets along the way.  How you deal with those losing bets will help shape how successful you are as a punter. If someone doesn’t acknowledge losing bets/losing runs the reality is that they probably aren’t being very truthful or honest. 

The important thing is that you are always learning from those bets. They may have been very good bets. They may have been very bad bets. Some win. Some lose. Its about understanding your processes and how you arrived at the bet in the first place. Not necessarily the outcome. Try not to get obsessed by the outcome although it can be incredibly hard not to when significant sums of money are on the line. It is also why having skin in the game is incredibly important. How would you cope with a big loss or losing run? It’s a huge part of this game. 

The other thing to remember with any bets slips you see (both winning and losing bets) is that it is likely only a part of the story. Other bets may have been placed with other bookmakers or exchanges. The bets need context. 

I will show some losing betslips from 2014/2015/2016 at some stage on here. Why you may ask? I think it’s really important to keep things real. Pros place losing bets and lots of them. As long as it doesn’t impact what I do in the future it really doesn’t bother me sharing some of them.

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