84. Be a sponge

In this game you need to be like a sponge. You have to soak up every little piece of information that you can. There are so many little nuggets out there on the internet now. The best part is that most of that information doesn’t cost you anything.

When I was starting out in this game the internet was in its infancy. There was no social media. What you learnt was from friends and others in the industry. There were some forums at the time but the prevalence of information was nothing like today.

Never stop in the quest to improve in this game. You never know when a little titbit you heard may make a major difference to what you are doing. It maybe as simple as something to avoid doing rather than something you should be doing.

As a general rule you have to pay to get the experiences that make you better in this game. You tend to find out the hard way whether something works or not. If you can get that information from someone then that’s great and even better if you save plenty of money and time.

The hardest part is knowing which of the information you hear is worth knowing. There is so much out there. As a general rule if people are doing the job for a living that’s a pretty good starting point. That’s not to say others cant help but it helps to filter out some of the noise.
I always remember making a mistake and it cost me a fortune. The mistake was simple. There was someone in the game (not golf) who I respect over almost anyone else. If the opinion or info sought was about betting I would have taken their advice in a heartbeat. Not thought twice.

However, they had an opinion on something completely different and I was too pig headed to listen to what they were saying. That’s not to say they can be an expert at everything but the reality is that if someone is smart they will generally source good information if not their own.

Let me give another example. Recently Rufus Peabody did a really good podcast with Tourjunkies. Rufus gave lots of little nuggets on the show and is someone you simply have to have a ton of respect for in this game. He was asked if he bets at all on the 1st Round Leader Market.

This market has seen large growth in recent years. He said he never touches the market as he cannot overcome the inherent margins within it. It’s the type of nugget that people should take away and think ok if one of the largest golf punters in the world doesn’t feel he can beat that market why would I possibly be able to do so. There will be plenty of people who will say but I do ok in that market. It will be variance. The same applies to the outright win markets. I see tipsters increasingly tipping in the first round leader market and it says it all to me.

They rarely bet the markets themselves and are looking for as many headline results as they can get. One of the worlds most respected golf punters is saying that you are unlikely to be able to beat that market. The crazy thing is you are getting that information for free.
You aren’t having to spend two years and £20k to find out that the market is really tough to beat. That’s not to say some might not be able to beat it but for the masses the message should be loud and clear. Choose your markets carefully.

Use the information others have spent fortunes on to learn lessons, to your own advantage. So much good information is out there. It can be tough to separate the wheat from the chaff. Be a sponge though and take in as much good information as you can. Can be a game changer.

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