24. Ability to adapt

I touched on this in the tweet about understanding what edge you have. What is almost as important as finding an edge is the ability to adapt that edge and the way you bet once that edge disappears.

Edges do not last for long and you will find yourself constantly having to adapt or look for new opportunities. This ability to adapt will likely decide your longevity in this game.
It might be different markets within a sport, maybe a different sport, maybe in running instead of pre off. It could be any number of different ways that you have to adjust your betting to remain profitable. Lets take golf as an example.

When I first started betting on golf it would mainly be each way and matchbets. Restrictions soon hit and despite using shops and multiple accounts you have to change what you are doing. Soon you are having to bet win only or in running.

You then have a problem in that even in win only markets you cant get what you want on the exchanges. You might be able to win £500k on a major but it can be tough to win £20k on a standard Euro event. Then the pre off betting adapts to between rounds and in running.
You then have to take the in running more seriously and with the data feeds so poor I had to send runners to events to avoid being picked off. All the time liquidity is dying on Betfair making it harder and harder. You start market making more and more.

Its not all negative with Bet365’s scoring feed now very good. You have more confidence to leave bets up. Hopefully it gives a small flavour of the process you may have to go through. Things continually change. Adapt or die.

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